AddressRiverside Court 2, Kamiti Corner Estate, Kiambu, Kenya
Call us(+254) 702 963 975
ISO CERTIFIED ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 9001:2015.

ICT SERVICESData Center Solutions

Prime Telecoms Provides total data center life cycle solutions, including consulting, design, simulation, implementation, and after service

Datacenter software solutions, hardware and consulting services

Prime Telecoms is a Data Center and Computer Room consulting services firm and turnkey solutions, provider. Our resources include approved electricians, data center specialists, certified cabling technicians, power specialists, and wireless experts. Prime Telecoms help organizations optimize their datacenters to achieve increased efficiency, greater business agility, lower operational costs and a smaller carbon footprint.

Our end-to-end services encompass:

  1. Planning, Designing, Engineering and Constructing physical infrastructure
  2. Datacenter Infrastructure Virtualization and Consolidation – Server , Storage and Networking
  3. Datacenter Relocation
  4. Data Center Monitoring and control.

We integrate, ‘best-of-breed’, infrastructure technologies, the result is an always available, scalable, redundant, fault-tolerant, manageable, and maintainable data center environment.

Delivering an innovative range of high performance, industry-leading IT infrastructure

We offer a comprehensive, modular, and highly integrated portfolio to support the creation of high-performance data centers. As a global leader in data center infrastructure, thermal, and power management solutions, we have further strengthened our leading position in data center infrastructure with a complete offering of AC or DC power, cooling systems, and monitoring platforms from micro and modular to containerized solutions.

Your data center’s future depends on modern solutions and infrastructure that solve tomorrow’s challenges— today.